Sunday, November 6, 2011

A move, pumpkins, halloween, a birthday that almost wasn't and an unwelcome visitor...

This past month or so has been super busy.  We've moved out of our apartment and into a house.  That was a super adventure along a super bumpy road, but that's a story for another day.  The point is that we're in!  And we're loving it!

James locked the keys in the moving truck... oops!

The boys were BIG helpers.  They hauled a bunch of random stuff down the stairs and even helped us pack too.  Ethan packed this box from the pantry.

James is such a hard worker.... he carried a ton of stuff down those stairs.  We were lucky to have lots of guys from our ward come over and help us load and unload.  We're so grateful they gave up their Friday evening to help us!  We also had ladies who took our kids so I could pack and someone even sent us some dinner they day we moved.  We are so appreciative!  We definitely felt the love!

Soon after our move it was time for all things Halloween!  We carved pumpkins, turned a 4 year old into a firefighter and a two year old into the cutest lil' sheriff you have ever seen.  Every door we went to "look at that cute little cowboy!"  It was a lot of fun to take the boys trick or treating around our neighborhood.  After they were tired of walking around the boys and I relieved Daddy of candy duty.  Those boys sure loved giving candy away.  I wonder how long that will last!  It was so cute!

This little guy has friends, and they like to live in our kitchen.  Just great!  But I guess it could be worse... they could have been rats!  Anyone have a recipe for fried lizard?  

So between the moving, cleaning out our apartment, all the little bumps in the road, and Halloween Joshua almost didn't have a birthday!  His cake sat on the counter waiting to be eaten for two days.  How sad!  Good thing he's two and doesn't really care that we had stale cake and no presents for his birthday. Next year we'll be better!  

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A long busy summer...

James with his bottle rocket...

 and Joshies with his.

 Ethan loves water!  Unless he has to swim in it.....

The Holt family at Dad's wedding.  We're so happy he found Marge!

Awe... daddy loves!

This is probably the most beautiful temple in the world!!  We had such a great time in San Diego!


I think he's trying not to smile.

Joshies is a man on a mission to get to that playground.

Yummy net...

How fast do you think it'll go?

The Holt family with the Braun family at some park half way between Salt Lake and Enterprise.  It was sure fun to have a picnic with them!  

Who says Bigfoot doesn't exist?

Feeding the ducks is one of our favorite things to do.


We hope y'all have had a great summer too!  We are looking forward to some cooler temps and some desperately needed rain.  I just hope it doesn't rain when we move!  We are so excited to move from our apartment into a house.  YAY!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oregon 2011

Last week the boys and I took a trip to beautiful Oregon.  It was a week long trip of crazy cool fun.  We visited all the wild animals at the zoo...

Had a cookout with my Dad, Grandparents, and some of my brothers and their families.

Spent a lovely day in Lincoln City with my sister and her friend and Lori.  We left with a few treasures from goodwill and the dollar store.  We found Ethan a sweet ball and glove.  And Joshies found a bright yellow fireman hat.  

At the end of the week we went camping in Boardman with Mom and some of my brothers and their families.  I think I ate more hot dogs this week than is good for any one lifetime.  Yick!

Back at Dad's house the boys sure had fun playing together!

We are so glad we were able to go out and see everybody.  It was a fun trip, but we sure missed this crazy guy...

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Summer (oh I mean spring!)  is here and we are LOVING it!!  This past week we went to a spray park downtown with some friends and loved the warm weather.  Ethan had such a great time playing in the water.  Joshies didn't seem to enjoy it as much... maybe next time.  I also made two super scrumptious pies for a fundraiser at our church.  They were my prettiest pies ever!  I guess after torturing my family with the smell of baking pies I'll have to make one for them.  

Ethan had a great time running through the water.  These spray parks remind me of running through the sprinkler as a kid.  

 He was kind of grumpy all day... until we got home, then he  unexpectedly decided to be the happy boy I know and love.

Super yummy triple berry pie!  Isn't your mouth watering now?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


In January James' dear mother was in a car accident.  We love her and miss her so much!  Her life was filled with selflessness and love for her family.  She was strong, kind, generous, and wise.  She was a strength in our lives that will be dearly missed.  We are grateful for the many lessons she taught us and for the love she freely gave us.  We are thankful for her deep testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the way she lived it every day.  Mom, we love you and we miss you!